We will email you the details of how you can assist prior to each event. You can opt-in to help at these events or fundraisers
We host an annual event to recognise our KIDS Crusaders, invitations will be emailed out to everyone who has assisted us during the year
All correspondence will be via email, we will provide regular updates on our events and fundraisers, as well as opportunities to assist.
Fill out the form below to register your interest in volunteering for the Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation.
Name *
Contact Phone *
Contact Email *
Languages Spoken * EnglishOther
If other, please list:
Please select all that apply
Ongoing Volunteering* MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
Events Only Doll Fair - MarchGolf Day – MayBall – JuneWomen’s Trust Lunch – AugustTrots Night – SeptemberMelbourne Cup – NovemberGift Wrapping - December
Do You Have a Current Working with Children Check? * YesNo
If Yes, please supply
If no, would you be willing to get one? YesNo