Nixon’s Story
Baby Nixon
The arrival of your first born baby can be a very exciting time. Much thought is put into planning for the arrival of your new family member, preparing his or her room, purchasing everything you “think” baby will need along with a name that will be with them for life.
Not everything always goes according to the best laid plans. Take young Nixon whose arrival was eagerly anticipated by first time mum Monika and dad Mitchell. His parents couldn’t wait for his arrival which was due towards the end of August 2015. Nixon couldn’t wait either and was born six weeks prematurely on Friday 10 July 2015 at Campbelltown Hospital.
“He was so delicate – we were concerned with just how little he was at 2.3 kgs” said new mum Monika. “All the staff at Campbelltown Hospital were amazing. From the Birthing Unit Nixon was taken directly to the Special Care Nursery. He was hooked up to all sorts of machinery. We were told this was all precautionary to monitor his progress and give the earliest possible indication if there were any problems.
I noticed that so many of the pieces of equipment that Nixon was attached to were donated by Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation. I certainly was aware of the Foundation and the work it did – it wasn’t until my little boy was benefitting from the machinery donated by them that I became so grateful for their work and contribution to Campbelltown Hospital.
After two weeks of intensive care, Nixon was allowed to go home. I was invited to stay in one of the Special Care Nursery’s Mother’s Rooms which are part of the Special Care Nursery Unit. I was far enough removed to have peace and quiet to spend the night with Nixon – but help was close at hand if I needed advice or support.
I was later to discover that these rooms had also been completely refurbished by Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation to facilitate Mums coming to overnight with their babies who had extended stays in hospital after birth – what a fabulous idea!
Needless to say Nixon is an absolute joy. Mitchell and I couldn’t be happier with him. We are also most grateful to Kids of Macarthur Health Foundation for all the fabulous high-end medical equipment they purchase for Campbelltown Hospital and all the other projects they are involved in that make the whole hospital experience that much more enjoyable. We had peace of mind in knowing the latest equipment available was right there to help Nixon in his very first days of life.”